Thursday 26 January 2012

Tuesday 3 January 2012 - definitely starting today.....

Right. Action stations.
Back to work. Biked in. Biked home at lunch time. Biked back again. And Biked home in the evening.  (it sounds good but it’s actually only 10 minutes each way and all on the flat!).
Got soaked by some idiot in a 4 x 4 who I swear drove through a whacking great puddle on purpose, just to see me get soaked.

As a result, my bag (and the Ryvitas in it) were slightly soggy by the time I retrieved them (some hours later when I started to get peckish).
Still ate them though .. needs must and all that.
My diddy little carrot sticks were tasteless (not surprising really, they are over a week old – why did I think we’d need 2 kilo’s of carrots for Christmas dinner??!) and the humus to go with them was too hot. I chose it because it was knocked down to 80p a pot in Asda, but I’d omitted to notice that it was humus with chilli – that’s possibly why they knocked it down. Probably no one liked it.
Ate 5 satsumas in the afternoon. Not because I needed them but because they were definitely starting to disintegrate and I do hate wasting food.
Bowl of Weetabix for dinner.
And that was my lot.
Not bad eh?
I am going to mother's tomorrow evening for a natter, so I will take the opportunity to hop onto her scales while I'm there....I don't possess scales here. I did once. But I threw them in the wheelie bin when I didn't like the numbers they would keep displaying.


  1. This is a really cool blog Ginette, well done, I'll join your friends list. :))

  2. Aw thanks for that ... I keep posting Blogger seems a lot different to ... I can't find any good blogs on here to look at, you have to just keep clicking on next blog??? And some of them haven't been touched in years!
